Organization 運営組織について
This website is operated by the Japan Rice and Rice Industry Export Promotion Association (JRE). Its aim is to widely promote the excellence of Japan Rice and rice related food products throughout the world through recipes, chefs' techniques, and descriptions of a wide variety of products.
The JRE is an organization that is primarily for promoting the export of Japan Rice and rice related food products. It supports activities to build awareness of and disseminate Japanese food culture using rice, such as through sales channel development, displays at international food exhibitions, advertising, and the creation and distribution of materials and sales promotion tools.
By carrying out activities to promote the export of Japan Rice and rice related food products, the JRE aims to work with its members to deliver attractive Japan Rice and rice related food products to consumers abroad and enrich lifestyles through the inclusion of Japan Rice.
Overview 組織概要
- 名称
- 一般社団法人 全日本コメ・コメ関連食品輸出促進協議会
- 設立年月日
- 2015年8月13日
- 所在地
- 東京都中央区日本橋小伝馬町15-15
- 代表理事
- 木村 良
About This is Japan Quality Mark ロゴマークについて

「THIS IS JAPAN QUALITY」マークは、店頭やネットに並ぶ日本産のコメやコメを加工した食品を、消費者の方が容易に識別できることを目的としたマークです。
「THIS IS JAPAN QUALITY」マークは、商標権を全米輸が所有し、全米輸会員または全米輸の承認を受けた場合のみ使用することができます。