Rice Flour Chocolate Fondant 米粉のフォンダンショコラ

Tsukemono (pickles) are an essential accompaniment to Japanese rice. Among tsukemono made from leafy green vegetables, Nozawa-na from Nagano Prefecture, Hiroshima-na from Hiroshima Prefecture, and Taka-na from Kumamoto Prefecture are known as the "three great tsukemono vegetables of Japan", and their traditions and flavors have been passed down through the generations. This time, inspired by Hiroshima-na onigiri, which are made by wrapping rice in pickled Hiroshima-na, I pickled lettuce and wrapped it in rice to make a type of hand-rolled sushi. The rich sesame vinegar sauce makes it a refreshing salad-like dish.
With ordinary hand-rolled sushi, the rice is seasoned with vinegar to make sushi rice. But with this recipe, the saltiness of the pickled lettuce means that the rice requires no seasoning. In Japan, a special cooking mat called a makisu is used for making sushi rolls, but this dish can be made without one by wrapping the ingredients tightly in cling film. Pickle the lettuce in salt letting it rest at least overnight in the refrigerator.
* Before the dish is ready, heat the rice according to the package instructions. 100g of rice is used per roll
Please prepare pre-cooked rice (packaged rice) in advance. If you plan to cook rice yourself, please refer to this.
Approx. 30 minutes * Excluding time for pickling the lettuce
Prepare the lettuce
Insert the knife at the base of the lettuce leaves and remove the core. After separating the leaves and leaving the large ones, wash them well in water and drain.
Pickle the lettuce
Mix the water and salt in a container, then add the kombu. Arrange the lettuce in layers, seal with a lid or cling film, and leave in the refrigerator overnight.
Spread out the lettuce
Spread out the leaves on a sheet of cling film on a cutting board (if using a bamboo mat for making sushi rolls, spray it with water first, then spread the cling film on top). Remove the moisture from the lettuce in (2) and spread it out neatly on the cling film. Place the base of the leaves (side where the core was) facing inward and spread them alternately, overlapping them as you gather them toward the center. This will allow you to wrap them neatly (use 5 to 6 leaves of lettuce for one hand roll).
Lay down the rice
Place 100g of rice horizontally in the center of the lettuce. Gently wrap the rice in both hands to form a cylindrical shape.
Wrap the rice
Starting from the front, wrap the rice and lettuce (roll tightly so that the rice does not fall out).
When you have finished rolling, remove the cling film and press in the ends of the lettuce to fold it down and adjust the shape. Roll firmly again with cling film.
Rest in refrigerator
Leave it in the refrigerator for about an hour to let the flavors settle.
Make the sauce
Mix the sesame paste and ground sesame in a small bowl until the grains are blended. Add the soy sauce and vinegar and mix together.
Take out (6) from the refrigerator, remove the cling film and slice it into a thickness that is easy to eat (slicing is easier if you wet the knife first). Plate and accompany with (7) (dishes with colors such as red are recommended).